Bone Graft​​​​​​​

Bone Graft​​​​​​​

Over the past few years, dental technology has evolved significantly with the introduction of new solutions, techniques and materials, especially in dental implanvology. Dental implants are an increasingly popular way to replace missing teeth, but many people require a bone graft for this technique to be successful. Dental implants must be surrounded by a certain amount of strong, healthy bone to ensure they become firmly fused in the jawbone. However, jawbone loss is common after tooth loss. Jawbone loss can occur because of periodontal disease, trauma, or resorbs naturally after tooth roots are removed. Bone grafting is a technique to restore the missing bone, ensuring implant treatment is successful.

Bone Augmentation Procedures

There are various types of bone grafts, and several materials can be used. These include artificial bone products and bone and plasma taken from the patient. Our preference is to introduce as few foreign substances as possible into the body, which is why Firstdent prefers to utilise advanced technologies that enhance the body’s natural capacity for regeneration.

Plasma Rich Growth Factors

PRF technology is an innovative approach using your own blood to help your body heal after dental implant surgery. Our dentist will take a small sample of your blood which is then placed in a centrifuge that spins the blood, separating out the plasma-rich growth factor. This is then applied directly to the jawbone after bone grafting or implant surgery, helping to accelerate the healing process. This technique has no risks and can be very useful in aiding bone regeneration after bone grafting or dental implant surgery, ensuring optimal results.

Retro Molar Bone Block Transplantation

A different bone grafting approach is required for a more severe bone deficiency. We remove a block of bone from the back of your lower jaw, and the bone is attached to the area with the deficiency using small screws to secure it in place. It is a more advanced and specialised technique performed under sedation to ensure you feel completely relaxed and comfortable throughout treatment.

Bone grafting around implants

If only a small amount of bone is missing, and the implant is mostly covered, we can use this technique to restore the missing bone. The bone is replaced using a natural bone replacement material that is highly biocompatible or using a substance made from a small amount of your blood, so there is no risk of rejection. The substance extracted from your blood helps to aid faster healing and bone regeneration. 

Alveolar Ridge Preservation

The alveolar ridge is the ridge of bone that originally supported your natural teeth and needs a certain width and height to support dental implants successfully. When removing natural teeth, the aim is to preserve the alveolar ridge as much as possible. Removing a natural tooth leaves behind an empty tooth socket; if we were to leave this to heal naturally, we would expect a relatively large bone loss. Packing the tooth extraction site immediately with natural bone grafting materials helps prevent this loss.

Sinus Lift

A sinus lift is a common dental procedure frequently required when restoring the upper back teeth, just below the sinus cavities. The sinus cavities are air-filled spaces on either side of your nose, and the jawbone tends to be naturally thinner in this area. During a sinus lift or sinus augmentation, a small opening is created in the jawbone exposing the membrane between the sinus cavities and the bone. The membrane is “lifted” upwards, creating a space which can be packed with new bone. Originally, it was necessary to carry out a sinus lift several months before placing the dental implants. Nowadays, we can most often complete a sinus lift at the same time as placing dental implants. Once the implants are in place, it’s necessary to wait six months to give the bone time to heal and integrate with the natural jawbone. When healing, called osseointegration, is complete, an abutment can be fitted onto the dental implant, and it is ready for the final restoration, such as an implant crown.

Introducing our principal dentist

Introducing our principal dentist

Introducing our principal dentist

My name is Dr Renata Heintz, and I consider myself lucky, as few people can say they find joy in their work. I have dedicated my professional life to helping people like you to have a natural, healthy-looking smile.

Dr. Renata Heintz
owner, dental specialist

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During the consultation to facilitate your treatment plan effectively, a panoramic x-ray is required. If you have your own, please bring it with you. Alternatively, we can perform the x-ray for a fee of £60.